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Café et Conversation à Edge of the Universe

  • Edge of the Universe 6070 Maple Street Omaha, NE, 68104 (map)

Alliance Française Omaha has partnered with independent group Café et Conversation to bring Omaha’s francophones a French conversation event every week of the year!

C&C is a casual weekly meetup to practice/speak French. Whether you are a beginner, native speaker, or somewhere in between, C&C is the group for you! C&C meets at various locations in the Omaha area. Events are free to attend and all are welcome.

AFO will share C&C’s events on our website event calendar, but we also encourage you to join the C&C community via their email list and private Facebook group below.


We'll be meeting at 5:30pm on Thursday, May 2nd at Edge of the Universe in Benson.

Edge is a themed café and their new theme is "Great Gatsby's Roaring Twenties", which extends to their cocktail menu. They also offer wine as well as tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Pastries as well as charcuterie can also be purchased.

Edge is located on the northeast corner of 61st and Maple Street in Benson. Parking can be found in a public lot one block south on the east side of 61st Street.

When you arrive, look for C&C team member Alicia Jaunty. Let us know that you’re coming by RSVPing below. Hope to see you there!

May 11

Café et Conversation Midwest 5th Anniversary featuring Charlie from Street French

May 25

Back to Basics with C & C