Salon - on Zoom

from $200.00
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DESCRIPTION :  The majority of the class will be devoted to the culture component, covering antiquity in France (including Roman influence and la Gaule) as well as the beginnings of the Middle Ages. The focus is on the ‘Deuxième Étape’ of Trésors du temps. The class will also review a variety of verbs and some tricky prepositions, and will cover a basic overview of adverb placement as well as some common usages of the pronoun on. Maximum 10 students per class.

FEE:                                                               Members: $200.

WHERE:                                                       Zoom Platform

WHEN:                                                         Tuesdays, March 26 - June 4; no class on April 23; the May 7 class is postponed to May 8.

TIME:                                                            6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CST

PREREQUISITE:                                        Communications 403 or equivalent

INSTRUCTOR:                                           Krissy Abdouch Stiles

REQUIRED MATERIALS:                       Yvonne Lenard, Trésors du temps, McGraw Hill Education.

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